About Dr Dunlop
Dr Catherine Dunlop is an experienced ophthalmologist. She is a Novocastrian who lives and works in this area.
In 1986, she joined Dr DB Dunlop (her father) and Mrs P Dunlop, orthoptist (her mother) in practice at 66 King St, Newcastle. In 1998, Dr Anthony Dunlop (her brother) joined the practice. The practice records date back to 1930's.
She opened and worked at her Nelson Bay branch practice for 10 yrs and at her Maitland branch practice for 3 yrs while continuing to work in Newcastle. For 8 yrs she also worked once a month with Dr Benecke in Hornsby.
From 1987, she has been Clinical Coordinator and Conjoint Clinical Lecturer in Ophthalmology at the University of Newcastle, helping to train medical students.
Dr Dunlop has combined her interests in ophthalmology with a busy family life with 4 children.
BSc (Med) - University of Sydney
MB BS (Syd) - University of Sydney
FRANZCO - Fellow by examination
FRACS - Fellow
Jampolsky Fellow in Strabismus USA
Volunteer Work
1980-1990's -teaching physiology for FRANZCO Part 1 course
1990's - local ophthalmologist for interviews in Glaucoma Week (radio, TV)
2015 - teaching neuro-ophthalmology (1 week) at Fred Hollows Hospital, Fiji
1987-2024- Clinical Co-ordinator and Clinical Lecturer for Medical Students in yr 3 Ophthalmology
participation in medical student application interviews, University of Newcastle
2023 - Peer Educator for Health Promotion Service for Older People (HPSOP)
Keeping up-to-date
Dr Dunlop attends conferences in Australia and overseas. Continuing education involves on-site and virtual meetings, journal reading, viewing of clincal eye procedures/operations videos and audit reviews. Evaluation and assessment of these activities are also undertaken.
Associations and Memberships
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists - Fellow (by examination)
Royal Australian College of Surgeons -Fellow
Jampolsky Fellow in Strabismus, USA
American Academy of Ophthalmology - International member
American Cataract and Refractive Society - International member
Neuro-ophthalmology Society of Australia - member
Australian and New Zealand Association of Neurologists - associate
Australian and New Zealand Strabismus Special Interest Group
Australian and New Zealand Paediatric Special Interest Group
Hunter Ophthalmic Group
Research Interests.
BSc(Med) – Muscle physiology: changes in slow and fast muscles after denervation
Botulinum toxin treatment – since 1986 Dr D B Dunlop and I have been using this muscle relaxing toxin to weaken eye and facial muscles
Pupil changes with Strabismus.
Dilation of one pupil is a unique and new observation associated with unilateral intermittent exotropia (one eye turns outwards especially when it is glary or the person is sick/tired)
Atropine eye drop treatment – very low dose used to slow progression of myopia
Myopia research project - 2015 Prof Sally McFadden Dept of Psychology, University of Newcastle
Hoh JFY, Dunlop C
Transformation of slow-twitch muscle to fast-twitch muscle in paraplegic rat
Third International Congress Muscle Diseases.
Congress Series no. 334 Exerpta Medica Amsterdame 1974
Dunlop C, Hoh JFY
Myosin Transformation in Soleus Muscle of Paraplegic rats
Proc Aust. Physiol Pharmac. Soc. 1974; 5(1):64
Dunlop, C
BSc (Medical) thesis:
“Neural Regulation of Myosin Isozymes”.
Hoh JFY, Kwan BTS, Dunlop C, Kim BH
Effects of nerve cross-union and cordotomy on myosins isoenzymes in fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscle of the rat.
Plasticity of Muscle.
D Pette, Editor 1980
Walter de Gruyther (Berlin, New York)
Pages 339-352.
Davey DF, Dunlop C, Hoh JFY, Wong SPY
Contractile properties and ultrastructure of extensor digitorum longus and soleus muscles in spinal and transected rats.
AJEBAK 1981; 59(4):393-401
Sorrell TC, Dunlop C, Collignon PJ, Harding JA
Exogenous ocular candidiasis associated with intravenous heroin abuse.
Brit J Ophthalmol 1984;65:481-485
Neill RA, Dunlop P, Dunlop DB, Fenelon B, Dunlop C
Electrophysical responses to crossed and uncrossed disparity conditions of refractive overcorrection.
In Orthoptic Horizons – Transaction of 6th International Orthoptic Congress
Ed M Lenk-Schafer, 1987
Pages 227-233
Neill RA, Dunlop P, Dunlop DB, Fenelon B, Dunlop C
Stereoscopic evoked response to crossed and uncrossed disparity accompanying simulated refractive error
Brit J Ophthalmol 1988;72(10):759-763
Dunlop C
Botulinum toxin – the rationale of its use
Aust J Ophthalmol 1988; 16:333-335
Gillies M, Sarks J, Dunlop C, Mitchell P
Traumatic retinopathy resembling acute macular neuroretinopathy
Aust J Ophthalmol 1997; 25,207-210
Dunlop C
Does your child’s eye turn? Early detection of strabismus by the GP
Mod Med Aust 1998; 41(12) 28-32
Concern for “poor vision” comment in newspaper
Newcastle Morning Herald 1999; 13th May:12
Dunlop C
How to test a child’s eyes for strabismus.
Medicine Today 2001; July 100-102
Dunlop C, Dunlop DB, Dunlop P, Pittar G
Botulinum Toxin treatment is helpful in Thyroid Ophthalmology. A 15 year Australian Review
Progress in Strabismology
Editor J-T de Faber ISA 2003
Pages 329-331
Dunlop C
Guest Panelist ISA Terminology Committee
Pages 73-85 (in above)
Little Bitz Magazine (on-line)
Articles 2002-2005:
What to do when your baby’s eye is turned.
What to do when your baby has a watery, mucky eye.
Learning about: Visual Development and Crossed Eyes.
Your Home Eye Check.
Eye Colour.
Blinking in Childhood.
Learning about Dyslexia.
Home Eye Emergencies with your children.
Babies and children with Down’s Syndrome.
Starting school – Remember the Eyes.
Babies and children’s photos – using the red reflex.
Understanding Long sightednesss.
Understanding Blocked tear duct/ watery eye in Babies.
Dunlop C
Is it Time to Review the Screening Guidelines for younger Diabetic Children?
Letter to Editor
MJA 2006; 184(9): 476
Dunlop C
Ipsilateral pupil dilation associated with unilateral intermittent exotropia:
a new observation
CEO 2011; 39(8):839-841
Dunlop C - contributor,
Sudden Change in Vision Health Pathway
Hunter New England Local Health District
Teaching - Medical Students yr3 Ophthalmology from 1987
Introduction to Ophthalmology
Medical Student Practical Information Sheets:
How to test Vision
How to use Slit-Lamp
Current Appointments.
Co-ordinator and Clinical Lecturer in Ophthalmology, University of Newcastle
VMO Lingard Private Hospital, Merewether
VMO Hunter Valley Private Hospital, Shortland
RANZCO representative for Hunter Postgraduate Medical Institute